Andrew lloyd webber musicals
Andrew lloyd webber musicals

andrew lloyd webber musicals

The most famous example of this is, of course, the Midichlorians from The Phantom Menace. They want to “add to the history” or “elaborate on past events”, which are both phrases I’m sure you’ve seen thrown around by creators of prequels and origin stories. Most of the time though, it’s a deliberate choice, and often one made with the best of intentions.

andrew lloyd webber musicals

Sometimes it’s an honest mistake, like a game of telephone, where a writer simply doesn’t remember how the event was originally written. This is typically a problem that pops up in stories written by multiple people. That’s mythology creep in a nutshell, the lie gets bigger and more outrageous with every telling, until eventually it’s just not believable anymore. I ran two miles yesterday while wearing a 50-pound backpack and I ran faster than anyone ever has. I ran two miles yesterday in 10 minutes while wearing a 50-pound backpack. Mythology creep is what happens when your lie gets too outrageous. Writing is essentially lying, and just like lying, you have to keep the lie straight if you want to be believed. Stuff like: Mythology Creep I’m glad you asked kid, because I’m rant about it for the next 1400 words. So instead of reviews, I’m just going to ramble on about writing stuff that fascinates me.

#Andrew lloyd webber musicals movie

Last movie I found time for was Solo which was a full two months ago, which doesn’t even feel like that long ago because time has turned into an indistinguishable blur.

andrew lloyd webber musicals

I haven’t even played a video game in I don’t know how long, which might not be a bad thing considering the quality of games out there right now, but I really want to try out Pillars of Eternity 2. Now it’s just exhausting, and each week gets harder. At first it was kind of exhilarating, and as I wrote before, added momentum to my life that translated into writing more. I’m now officially over working 6 days a week.

Andrew lloyd webber musicals